Dental Implants

Missing teeth can affect how you feel about your smile and yourself. Dental implants may be the solution you're looking for if you’ve ever held back from expressing yourself with a broad smile or hearty laugh because of missing teeth. Dental implants are the healthiest, most natural-looking way to replace missing teeth.

Man and woman smiling

Dental Implants in Vancouver, WA

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Relax throughout your procedure with dental sedation
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Enjoy a same-day new smile with Teeth-in-a-Day
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Get extractions and immediate dental implants in one surgery
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Get affordable dental implants with financing or payment plans
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What Is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a small titanium post placed into the jawbone to replace the root portion of a missing tooth. The implant is surgically inserted into the jawbone, where it fuses with the bone during a process called osseointegration. This provides a stable base for attaching a dental crown, a dental bridge, or a denture.

The components for a dental implant that replaces a single tooth include a root form, an abutment (connector), and a dental crown.

· Post (root form) – A screw-shaped titanium post that replaces a natural tooth’s root.
· Abutment – A connector on the root form supports a dental crown.
· Crown – It replaces the visible portion of your tooth from the gumline up.

Dental implants are a safe and effective solution if you want to improve your oral health and restore your smile. However, not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants, so it's important to consult a dental professional to determine if they are the right solution for your dental needs.

What Is the Dental Implants Process?

The process of getting a dental implant involves several steps, including surgically placing an implant in your jawbone. A dental crown, an implant bridge, or a denture will replace your missing teeth and restore your smile.

Dr. Saleh will review your medical and dental histories and complete a comprehensive exam to determine whether you are a dental implant candidate.

You can expect the following from Dr. Saleh:

· ake a 3D CT scan to create a model of your teeth, jawbone, and facial structure
· Create a customized treatment plan for your implant placement
· Use computer-guided tools to plan the best location for each implant
· Make a small incision through your gums and a precise opening for each implant
· Place the implants directly in the bone and secure your gums around them with stitches
· Attach temporary teeth to the implants (crowns, a bridge, or denture)
· Wait for your jawbone and implant to fuse and form a solid anchor
· Expose the dental implant sites after healing to take impressions for final crowns, a bridge, or a denture
· Attach your natural-looking final replacement teeth to the implants

After looking closely at your new smile in the mirror, you may get emotional about how beautiful and natural it looks.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants’ advantages over other tooth replacements, like dentures or bridges include the following:

· One of the most successful and long-lasting tooth replacement options
· Durable
· Comfortable
· More natural-looking
· More functional
· Stimulate bone growth and prevent jawbone loss, which can occur when teeth are lost and not replaced

Before and after implant denture patient photos from Vancouver, WA dentist Dr. Mo Saleh.

Dental Implants – Front Teeth

Precisely placed dental implants allow for natural-looking restorations and healthy tissue adaptation. Your dental implants will look like healthy natural teeth emerging from your gums.

Dental Implants FAQ

Getting answers to your questions about dental implants can help you make informed decisions about your treatment options. You will get detailed, easy-to-understand explanations during your complimentary consultation with Dr. Saleh.

How Many Dental Implants Will You Need?

The number of dental implants you need depends on the extent of your tooth loss and your oral health. Dr. Saleh will explain which types of implants can fulfill your smile goals and meet your budget.

You can replace one tooth, multiple teeth, or all your upper or lower missing teeth for a complete smile makeover.

· One tooth - You can get an implant to replace each missing tooth. A dental crown replaces the white portion of a tooth above your gum line.

· Multiple teeth – If you have multiple missing teeth in a row, an implant bridge is a series of dental crowns joined at the sides and anchored by the replacement tooth roots.

· All your upper or lower teeth – Four to six titanium posts can support and stabilize a denture if all your upper or lower teeth are missing. You can get an upper and a lower denture if all your teeth are missing with a fixed implant overdenture, such as the All-on-4technique.

How Do Dental Implants Look?

Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. When an implant is complete, you cannot see the implant screw (replacement tooth root)above your gumline. A dental crown looks like the white portion of a natural tooth. So, a dental implant resembles a natural tooth emerging from your gumline.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

Dental implants are safe when you get them from a dentist with advanced implant training who uses quality fixtures and does not take shortcuts .Placing cheap implant fixtures or taking shortcuts to save money can result in implant complications.

Dr. Saleh provides precise diagnostics and predictable treatment outcomes using a computerized implant-placement simulator. It allows a conservative surgical approach that minimizes discomfort and supports healing.

Dr. Saleh has more than 23 years of dental implant experience. He received advanced training in implantology from highly respected dental education institutes, including:

· International Dental Implant Association
· Misch International Implant Institute
· Pikos Institute

His training and experience have helped him earn the following credentials:

· Fellowship - International Congress of Implantologists
· Mastership - International Congress of Oral Implantologists
· Diplomate - International Congress of Oral Implantologists
· Mastership - International Dental Implant Association
· Diplomate - International Dental Implant Association

Over the years, Dr. Saleh has accumulated knowledge and experience by treating the most complicated dental implant cases. Whether you need single or multiple implant placement, implant-supported dentures, or full-mouth restoration, you will receive highly competent, compassionate care. The highly aesthetic results will look and feel completely natural.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

The cost of dental implants includes the following:

· Surgery
· Implant components
· Restoration with crowns, a bridge, or a denture

Dr. Saleh completes the 3-D CT scan, implant planning, surgery, and restoration in one location—his office. He saves you a trip to an oral surgeon or periodontist for the surgery. With Vista Dental Implants, you can save thousands of dollars compared with implants from other providers.

Do Dental Implants Hurt?

Dental implants do not hurt. Surgery is painless because we numb your mouth with a local anesthetic. Additionally, sedation dentistry will relax you so deeply that you are unlikely to remember anything that happens during your dental implant procedure.

Will You Need Bone Grafting for Dental Implants?

You may need bone grafting for dental implants if you lack enough quality bone to support implants. If you need tooth extractions first, you may receive extractions, bone grafting, and implants on the same day. Immediate placement can help you avoid additional implant surgeries in the future. Dr. Saleh will discuss your tooth replacement options if you have experienced bone loss.

According to the Academy of Osseointegration, a graft can take four to twelve to heal and harden before it is ready for replacement tooth roots. Healing time depends on bone graft material, method, and the extent of grafting required.

Does Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Your dental insurance may reimburse you for some dental implant procedures and related costs. Contact your insurance company to ask about plan benefits for dental implants. Remember that no insurance policy pays all the costs.

Vista Dental Implants does not file insurance claims for you. You are responsible for the cost of your procedures with us and can file a claim with your insurance company for reimbursement of applicable services. We will discuss financial options, including payment plans and financing, to help pay for your care.

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Dental implants are worth it for these reasons:

· Longevity – They outlast removable tooth replacement options, including a partial denture, a dental bridge, or a denture.
· Function – Replacement tooth roots anchored in your jawbone firmly support implant crowns, a bridge, or a denture, improving function and allowing you to eat whatever you want.
· Aesthetics – Your replacement teeth will look so natural that people will only notice your beautiful smile.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

A high-quality, precisely placed titanium root form can last20 years, even a lifetime. However, replacement teeth often wear sooner, so you may need to replace the dental crown, bridge, or denture attached to the implants.

Can Dental Implants Be Removed?

Only a dentist can remove the implants and the replacement teeth screwed onto them. Dr. Saleh adheres to strict protocols to create a customized treatment plan. He will ensure you get the highest standard of care for dental implants in Vancouver, Washington, reducing the risks of needing to remove them.

Are Dental Implants Permanent?  

The design of dental implants design helps them last for decades—perhaps your entire life. The replacement teeth roots and your jawbone fuse to lock implants in place. Only a skilled implant dentist can remove them.

What Can You Expect During Recovery?

As with any oral surgery, you can expect mild swelling and bleeding with dental implants. We will give you instructions for managing discomfort.

· Swelling – Rest with your head above your heart to minimize swelling. Use cold packs on the sides of your face in 20-minuteintervals to reduce swelling. Stop using cold compresses after the third day.
· Bleeding – Bite on gauze or a moist tea bag to control bleeding because tea contains tannic acid, which helps form blood clots. Contact our office if bleeding persists after two to three days or increases.
· Discomfort – Minimize soreness and achiness by taking medication as Dr. Saleh directs. Your discomfort will peak.

What Can You Eat or Drink After Getting Dental Implants?  

You can eat soft, room-temperature foods after getting dental implants. Drink room-temperature beverages that are not acidic or sugary. Eat soft, nutritious foods for about six months until healing is complete. Carefully avoid getting food near the surgical sites. Dr. Saleh will advise you when it is safe to alter your diet.

· First 24 to 48 hours – Drink liquids only ,consuming room temperature or cool drinks without a straw. Sucking through a straw can dislodge blood clots at the surgical sites. Stay hydrated with plenty of water.

· Three to fourteen days – Continue drinking cool liquids. Eat soft foods that require no chewing. Examples include applesauce, yogurt, protein shakes, broths, and seed-free, nut-free smoothies.

· Fifteen days to twelve weeks – With Dr. Saleh’s approval, you may begin eating foods that require minimal chewing. Choose soft steamed vegetables and soft or baked fruits. Include soft proteins, such as beans, flaky fish, or puréed meat, in your diet. Puréeing foods is a safe way to ensure they are soft enough to chew.

Avoid these food types throughout healing because they can disturb the dental implant sites:

· Chewy
· Crumbly
· Crunchy
· Hard
· Seed containing
· Spicy
· Sticky
· Stringy

Please remember that eating soft foods promotes healing and helps prevent disturbing surgical sites. It is a temporary sacrifice to support the long-term success of your treatment. A 2017 article in the International Journal of Oral and Dental Health confirms that occlusal overload (pressure on dental implants from chewing and biting) and plaque accumulations are the leading causes of dental implant failure.

How Can You Clean Your Dental Implants During Recovery?  

Keeping your dental implants clean during recovery is essential to recovery. Bacteria and plaque buildup can prevent your implants from fusing with your bone. Follow

· Night of surgery or the day after – Rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash or warm salt water as Dr. Saleh directs. Allow the water to run out of your mouth instead of spitting it out. Avoid brushing or flossing for the first 24 hours.

· Days two and three – Gently floss your natural teeth daily and brush twice daily while avoiding the surgical sites. Continue using warm salt-water rinses and antiseptic mouthwash as Dr. Saleh recommends.

· Day four through six weeks – Continue flossing and brushing your teeth to maintain a healthy environment for healing. Avoid aggressive oral hygiene habits and dental hygiene tools, such as water flossers or vibrating toothbrushes, which can inhibit implant integration. Please ask us if you are unsure whether your oral hygiene route may affect your surgical sites.

· After six weeks – Continue to maintain oral hygiene at home. Schedule regular dental exams and teeth cleanings to remove plaque and tartar you cannot reach with home care.

Who Will Place Your Final Crown or Denture?

At Vista Dental Implants, Dr. Saleh completes all treatment phases in his office—from planning to placement to attaching your final restorations. You will get a natural-looking smile makeover because Dr. Saleh has advanced cosmetic dentistry training. Your replacement teeth will mimic natural teeth characteristics, color, and translucence.

Why Choose Dental Implants vs. Other Tooth Replacements?  

As you compare dental implants with other tooth replacement options, consider these factors:

· Oral health – Biocompatible, titanium tooth roots fuse with your jawbone, stimulating it to prevent bone shrinkage. Also, they fill the space from missing teeth, preventing other teeth from drifting out of alignment.

· Function – Dental implant components mimic natural tooth structure, helping them function almost as well as a natural tooth. No other form of tooth replacement comes close.

· Longevity – Removable tooth replacements do not last as long because they weaken over time from the handling required to remove and clean them. Also, removable options lack the firm support of titanium root forms.

Schedule a Dental Implants Consultation  

Begin your smile makeover journey with a complimentary dental implant consultation with Vancouver, Washington, dentist Dr. Mo Saleh. You will experience Dr. Saleh’s compassionate care and get answers to your questions about tooth replacement in a relaxing, pressure-free environment. We invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation today.