Dental Sedation

Like millions, you may have dental anxiety or feel nervous about visiting the dentist. Dental sedation calms you, helping you feel comfortable and relaxed during every visit. Dr. Mo Saleh and his compassionate, caring team in Vancouver, Washington, ensure you enjoy gentle, painless experiences.

Man and woman smiling

Dental Sedation in Vancouver, WA

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Save $500 on dental treatment with sedation
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Stay calm with oral or intravenous (IV) sedation
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Budget your payments with our financing options
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Get implants, extractions, cosmetic dentistry, or root canals comfortably
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What Is Dental Sedation?

Dental sedation is a technique that uses medication to relax you and reduce anxiety. Also known as sleep dentistry, dental sedation is a safe way to keep you comfortable during dental procedures. Sedation levels are mild, moderate, and deep. The level Dr. Saleh recommends for you depends on your needs and the complexity of the dental procedure.

Who Can Benefit from Dental Sedation?

You may benefit from dental sedation if any of the following is true about you:

· Experience mild to severe dental anxiety or phobia
· Have a strong gag reflex
· Require extensive dental treatment
· Have a medical condition that makes it challenging to receive dental care

Dr. Saleh will evaluate your anxiety, determining which level of sedation will meet your needs so we can give you positive dental experiences.

Before and after implant denture patient photos from Vancouver, WA dentist Dr. Mo Saleh.

Treatments Under Dental Sedation

Regain your confidence and restore your smile with sedation dentistry

What Are the Dental Sedation Levels?

Dental sedation levels include nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation.

1. Nitrous Oxide. Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is the lowest sedation level. You will sit in a dental chair, inhaling a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a small mask. Nitrous gives you a euphoric state as you inhale it, making you feel safe, joyful, and content. Inhaling pure oxygen after your dental procedure quickly reverses the effects of nitrous oxide.

2. Oral sedation. Moderate sedation is in pill form. You will take the medication before you arrive for your dental visit. Oral sedation reduces anxiety and helps you relax. You will feel calm and drowsy if you can stay awake during the procedure.

3. IV Sedation: Dr. Saleh can intravenously administer moderate to deep sedation (through a vein). This method allows him to adjust the sedation during your procedure. IV sedation can produce a deep, sleep-like state, but you will still be conscious, unlike general anesthesia.

4. General Anesthesia: Sedation through general anesthesia is usually reserved for complex dental surgeries. If your surgical procedure requires general anesthesia, you will be unconscious and unaware throughout treatment.

Request a Dental Sedation Consultation

If you have dental anxiety, schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Saleh. Call us or schedule your appointment online.